Erika Rossi

Real name: 

Erika Rossi gained a masters degree in Visual and Multimedia Communication, specialising in Interaction Design from the Iuav University of Venice, with a mark of 110/110 cum laude, creating “I Mirabilia”. Currently, Erika is employed as an interaction and visual designer at Fjord in Madrid, immediately following an internship with Fjord in 2010, and previously held an internship in Bologna with Mollusco e Balena agency. Her work, I Mirabilia, earned her the James Dyson Award, won the Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2011, non-browser based category, won the ICSR 2011, has been shortlisted by IXDA Awards 2012, and was selected for inclusion in the conference programme at the Ambience 2011. Erika also received the Adobe Design Achievement Award Finalist status for her piece, Liasion, in 2010. She was finalist in the international contest of Poster Advertising Francisco Mantecón 2011 with two illustrations and she won the Giovane Grafica Italiana competition for her internship contributions with graphic designers, Erik Kessels, Richard van der Laken and Harmen Liemburg in 2009. Additionally, Erika’s work, ‘Lello’ was selected for the Nutella & Fruits design competition, sponsored by Interni magazine, winning her an internship with product designer Giulio Iacchetti.