Peter McNeill

Real name: 

Peter McNeil is Professor of Design History at the University of Technology Sydney and Professor of Fashion Studies at Stockholm University. Director of Graduate Programmes, Faculty of DAB. His work crosses chronologies and geographies from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries; focus is West European, North American and Australian. He is an Investigator within Fashioning the Early Modern: Innovation and Creativity in Europe, 1500-1800, a one-million EURO HERA funded project. He leads a UTS Partner Grant with the Sydney Jewish Museum, Dressing Sydney. The Jewish Fashion Story (2012). He is editor and co-editor of eight works on fashion, including the best-selling Shoes (with G Riello, 2006; 2011); and the award winners: Critical and Primary Sources in Fashion (4 vols, Berg, 2009) and The Fashion History Reader (Routledge, with G Riello, 2010). He is a regular critic, reviewer and co-curator.