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Studies in Material Thinking
Dr Jacqueline Lorber Kasunic & Dr Kate Sweetapple
Real name:
Dr Jacqueline Lorber Kasunic & Dr Kate Sweetapple
Individual Biographies:
Dr Jacqueline Lorber Kasunic
Dr Kate Sweetapple
Papers submitted to the Studies in Material Thinking Journal
Volume 13
Visualising text-based data: Identifying the potential of visual knowledge production through design practice
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Nancy de Freitas
Associate Editors
Estelle Barrett
Barbara Bolt
Elena Caratti
Kaisa Kontturi
Nithikul Nimkulrat
Sofia Pantouvaki
Tilo Reifenstein
Frances Robertson
Mark Roxburgh
Elodie A. Roy
Pirita Seitamaa-Hakkarainen
Laura Woodward
Editorial Advisors
Dijana Alić
Suzie Attiwill
Su Ballard
Anne Louise Bang
Estelle Barrett
Jill Bennett
Arild Berg
Amanda Bill
Barbara Bolt
Neil Brown
Jill Carrick
Oron Catts
Linda Corkery
Abigail Durrant
Jayne Wallace, Joyce Yee & Abigail Durrant
Lesley Duxbury
Laila Fauske
Ken Friedman
Adam Geczy
Laura Gonzalez
Lisa Grocott
Ross Harley
Neal Haslem
Sandra Kaji O’Grady
Eva Lutnæs
Maarit Mäkela
Gay McDonald
Gary Sangster & Gay McDonald
Peter McNeill
Adrian Miles
Julia Moszkowicz
Anna Munster
Adam Newcombe
Elspeth Probyn
Malcolm Quinn
Tilo Reifenstein
Frances Robertson
Toni Ross
Ned Rossiter
Sue Rowley
Elodie A. Roy
Gary Sangster
Erik Stolterman
Paul Thomas
Laurene Vaughan
Jayne Wallace
Mikael Wiberg
Joyce Yee
Alan Young