Charlotte Huddleston
Charlotte Huddleston is the Director of ST PAUL St Gallery in the School of Art and Design, AUT University. Her current research interests are informed by the educational context and specifically engage with a kaupapa (principle) of ethical approaches to working with culture, agency, collectivity and exchange from within the institution of the university gallery, both on and offsite. Recent projects with this focus include: Local Time: Horotiu (2012), Assembly co-curated with Melissa Laing and Vera Mey (2012), FIELDS: an itinerant inquiry across the Kingdom of Cambodia (2013), and in 2014 she worked with the inaugural ST PAUL St Gallery Research Fellow Sakiko Sugawa. In 2014 she co-convened The Open Hand: A Call for Civic Debate alongside the solo exhibition Leisure Valley by Gavin Hipkins, and the 2014 ST PAUL St Curatorial Symposium. Huddleston is co-editor of publications from FIELDS and Sugawa’s Fellowship (forthcoming 2015).