Fredrik Nilsson
Dr. Fredrik Nilsson is an architect, professor of Architectural Theory at Chalmers University of Technology, and Partner and Chief Research Strategist at the architectural office White Arkitekter, Sweden, where he was Head of Research and Development from 2007-2014. Nilsson is currently Head of the Department of Architecture at Chalmers, and director of the research program “Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice” funded by the Swedish research council Formas 2011-2016. Nilsson’s research is mainly directed to contemporary architecture, architectural theory and philosophy. He has a special interest in the epistemology of architecture, design theory and the interaction between conceptual thinking, practical design work and production, aiming for contributions to reinforced exchange between research and architectural practice. Nilsson has been engaged as opponent and external evaluator of PhD and senior research internationally. He is author and editor of several books and frequently publishes articles, architectural criticism and reviews of books.